Re: Physical markup concept snag

> So what does it mean to have bold text simply for bold's sake, and not
> because the author intends it to be strongly emphasized?  Where is it
> more appropriate for an author to use B?  Or is B just a leftover that's
> too common to retire, and authors can and should always avoid it to be
> compliant with the spirit of 4.01 Strict?

Previous discussion of this sort of thing suggested specific examples
from existing print style conventions, where bold, italic, or
strike-thru text had a meaning in a specific context.

I think some examples that were mentioned were legal writing, and
bibliographic citations. I'd suppose any application where you
want to keep the printed form and the web text congruent could
fall into this category.

But wheither to use HTML tags or CSS (assuming universal CSS
support) is another question.

    Albert Lunde            

Received on Wednesday, 19 January 2000 16:08:03 UTC