target="_new" - I won't miss it (was: ...Napoleanic Issues)

> Likewise, using "target" in HTML with browsers is
> quite backward compatible--the page is brought
> up in the same window in Lynx and a new window
> with browsers that understand frames.  Who can
> tell me code that will do the same with CSS on
> so many HTML browsers?

First, as a user, I hate target="_new".  I truly wish it
would go away forever (and take "" with it.)

More importantly:  XHTML will not make old documents obsolete.
If you have correct HTML 4 documents, they will still be correct
HTML 4.  Browsers will not suddenly stop rendering them when
XHTML becomes a Recommendation.  Some new browsers and special-
purpose clients may require XHTML 1.1, but if that's an issue,
then the lack of <A target> is the least of your problems.

Don't panic.  I suspect that target="_new" is not that crucial to
whatever it is that you're doing.  If it is, stick with HTML 4 or
Tag Soup until you're convinced XHTML is viable.  (This is what
everyone else will do anyway.)  Either way, no one is hurt.

> Nielsen's complaint is not
> valid--the BACK command does work in Lynx, so if
> a user agent wishes to respond that way it can--
> it is not a problem in the HTML DTD itself.

I love the logic here.  You've now said that:
  1 - Lynx ignores target="_new"
  2 - Lynx does the right thing.

A lot of people would conclude:
  3 - The right thing is to ignore target="_new", and
      if browsers should just ignore it then there's no point
      carrying it forward in future versions of HTML.

But your conclusion is:
  3a- target="_new" is great and should be supported in all
      future HTML specifications.


Received on Tuesday, 18 January 2000 16:47:06 UTC