lowercase tags required in the future?

I have a question ...

First, a little background. I teach web development and programming courses at a local community technical college along with private contract work for web developers and small businesses. I use a text editor to do all of my HTML code, and I teach my students to do the same.

Recently, one of my students tried out an HTML editor and found that he could not create his tags in uppercase letters (which is a standard I have followed for years). The student requested info from the developers of the editor, and he was told by those developers that they were preparing for the new HTML standard which would require all tags to be set in lowercase.

I have searched W3C along with many other sites and have found no mention of this supposed standard. Is this, in fact, true and if so, are there any articles I've missed that discuss this issue?

Thanks for reading this far :)

Meg Littlefield
Assistant Professor of Computer Technologies
NH Community Technical College

Received on Monday, 17 January 2000 08:09:57 UTC