Re: regular expressions for CGI input/env

Aleksandar Susnjar wrote:
> Key characters are:
> '?' - starts the form data portion in the URL-Encoded (HTTP GET method) form
> '&' - separates name-value pairs
> '=' - separates names and values
> '%' - begins a two-digit hex literal
> '+' - used instead of a space (standard, although Microsoft oftenly replaces
> it with %20)
> ' ' (space) - must be replaced with either '+' or '%20'
> If need to be specified, abovementione characters and non-characters (0 <=
> code < 32) must be specified using their alternative form (e.g. hex form
> %xx). All other characters (including char codes greater than 127) should be
> fine, but if you are only interested in parsing the received input and not
> generating it you only need to know the following:
> '?' - starts the form data portion in the URL-Encoded (HTTP GET method) form
> '&' - starts a new name-(value) pair
> '=' - separates names and values; NOTE: sometimes only name is specified -
> there is no value (e.g. checkboxes); in this case no '=' is used
> '%' - begins a two-digit hex literal - next two characters are to be treated
> as a hex code of the character. If hex digits characters are invalid assume
> that the client got it wrong and that the '%' did not start a hex code ...
> but is just what it already is - a '%'. Continue parsing with the character
> immediatelly after '%' - not after the 'digits' and do not put the digits
> immediatelly in the buffer/output.
> '+' - means (should be replaced with a) space
> ' ' (space) - If you get it and you know that it IS a part of the data, then
> consider it a space ... but it should not be like that...

I need to generate the output, so, i need to known all the caracters

One more last thing: can some here point to a source of documentation
for multipart form, cause i need to upload files from client

Received on Saturday, 30 December 2000 02:31:56 UTC