Re: html and dreamweaver

I use TextPad ( to write all my HTML.  And I used to agree
100% with all of you guys who dont like dreamweaver until I was invited to
write an article about Dreamweaver 3 extensibility capabilities. Than I had
to go all over the software documentation and began to look closer to it.

One day I came to my coworkers and asked what is that they don't like about
dreamweaver and none of them could say something that couldn't be solved
with a good software preferences configuration and some playing with its
objects. And still, things like indenting and etc are ridiculously simple to

Listen, I'm not a Macromedia employee under desguise.  I dont'even like
dreamweaver that much but, I am looking for a way of enhancing productivity
without giving up quality. I am not telling anyone it is a good software, I
just want to raise a point that is in my mind since the 3rd version: is
there a really good reason for not adopting it?

It's not a dare, it's just a question: have any of you guys who dont like
dreamweaver ever had a close look at it and TRIED to make it fit your (mine
too!) quality standards?

The biggest problem I see is that, when mis-used (i dont know if it is
correct english, but you guys know what i mean) by people who don't
understand all the HTML thing,  it really can generate bad code.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Philip TAYLOR" <>
To: <>
Cc: "sir_tuba" <>; "www-html" <>
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2000 10:20 PM
Subject: Re: html and dreamweaver

> Corporate so-called wisdom!  But in all honesty, although
> I have hand-crafted HTML ever since I started in this
> game, my productivity /has/ improved since using HM PRO
> & DW, and the JavaScript of the latter is clearly the
> result of considerable research into the nuances of the
> most popular browsers...
> ** Phil.

Received on Sunday, 10 December 2000 19:13:08 UTC