RE: standards

At 7:08a -0700 09/03/99, Ann Navarro wrote:
>At 09:53 AM 9/3/99 -0400, Zoltan Hawryluk wrote:
>>Ann Navarro said:
>>> There is currently some controversy around the XHTML PR, but it's not
>>> anything to do with case (it's about the choice of three 
>>> namespaces). 
>>wow.  out of curiousity, what's the controversy?  i am currently
>>experimenting with XHTML and just wanted to know what issues there are.
>Without scaring anyone who doesn't really care about these things :) -- 
>The issue is, in significant part, whether a namespace can have a one to
>one mapping, or even a one to many mapping, to a schema, DTD, or other
>defining mechanism, through the namespace URI. 

Hey Ann, saw your name in the news about this. ;)

   Developers split on proposed Web language standard

 wondering if> is a permanent change or not
 (have to keep updating my "c|net URL" cleaner-upper script;)

Received on Wednesday, 15 September 1999 19:39:44 UTC