RE: XHTML Comments/XHTML: One or Three Namespaces?

Ted Wugofski writes:

 > 2. Within the motivation section of the namespaces rec, the term
 > "vocabulary" is used.  Unfortunately, the term "vocabulary" is not
 > formally defined and within the English language has several meanings
 > (hint hint).

This is a very good observation that I also noticed when reading the
message Frank forwarded from David Brownell:

>   FIRST, since there's only one HTML vocabulary, it should have only
>   one namespace.

How do you decide if XHTML has one vocabulary? I can see arguments
either way, and if it isn't defined, you are allowed to interpret.

"The element type <font> isn't in the strict vocabulary, so strict
should have a different namespace." would seem to be a resonable


Received on Wednesday, 15 September 1999 12:51:58 UTC