Re: standards

At 09:58 AM 9/3/99 +0100, Sarah Wright wrote:
>What I would like to know is as XHTML is a working draft, how likely is it
>that it will become a standard, and if it doesn't, will the "all code must
>be written in lowercase" become a standard in the future?

XHTML is currently a Proposed Recommendation, which means it's in the
process of being voted on by the W3C Advisory Committee (AC)-- a body of
one representative for each W3C-member company. That vote is forwarded to
Tim Berners-Lee, who then makes the final decision on whether it will
become a full Recommendation. 

There is currently some controversy around the XHTML PR, but it's not
anything to do with case (it's about the choice of three namespaces). If it
does not go to Rec. this time, the only major changes I can forsee are in
the namespace area. 

So in otherwords, the "all lower case" is highly unlikely to change. 

Ann -- W3C HTML Working Group member (the group that wrote XHTML), and 
AC Rep for HTML Writers Guild, Inc. 


Author of Effective Web Design: Master the Essentials
Coming in September --- Mastering XML

Founder, WebGeek Communications  
Vice President-Finance, HTML Writers Guild
Director, HWG Online Education   

Received on Friday, 3 September 1999 09:28:00 UTC