Re: Abbrevations and Acronyms

On Thu, 7 Oct 1999, Neil Gulati wrote:

> I understand:
> Abbreviation:
> A shortening of an existing dictionary word.
> e.g. Doctor->Dr. Telephone-> 'phone.
> Acronym:
> A new word made up of the initial letters of other words.
> This is usually a naming convention. An acronym is a noun.
> e.g. Search for Extra-Terrestial Intelligence->SETI.

So far I've understand it too. But I think the information differ
wether acronyms are initial letters which can be pronounciated as a
word (eg. SETI, NASA) or all inital letters -- even those which can't
be pronounciated as the abbrevation (eg. HTTP, WWW).

Is "HTTP" an acronym?

Christian Ottosson

Received on Thursday, 7 October 1999 04:20:53 UTC