Re: Entity declaration (Was: Include pieces of code in an HTML file)

On Fri, 1 Oct 1999 wrote:
> Well, entity declaration was indeed another function that I miss. [...]
> I really cannot understand why such useful features are totally ignored
> in modern tag languages. 

Because these socalled tag languages are neither modern nor "advanced", no
matter how much hysterical hoopla gets thrown your way about them.  The
Mosaic paradigm in which the web is mired consists of halfbaked kludgery
limited to putting stream-of-consciuosness k3wl stuff between those pointy
bracket thingies and hoping that it all comes out right in the wash.  

By now it has come to the point where making a virtue of necessity has
become official doctrine.  Since Netploder can't come close to supporting
anything except tags, then by gum "we gotta do it all with tags only" it's
gotta be.  These days, they call this "constraining the solution".


Received on Friday, 1 October 1999 18:44:00 UTC