Re: XHTML eXperience, reviewers

Alan Richmond wrote:

> Are any of you using it already for live sites?

Yes [1], starting March 6.

> Why?

Because the W3C upgraded their Validation Service [2] for XHTML on March 4
(thank you very much).

> What problems have you encountered

Almost none. The site was HTML 4.0 Strict before; it renders exactly the
same in XHTML 1.0 Strict.

PIs, which I skipped, like those used to link style sheets, may show up in
MSIE 3.x Mac if I remember right. Most important (!), the XML declaration
in the first line _must be omitted_ or else MSIE 4.5 Mac (the current
shipping version for Macintosh) will display a document as text [3].
Corrections welcome.

I'll be interested in your other responses. Good luck with your article.


Susan Lesch

Received on Friday, 7 May 1999 21:29:41 UTC