Re: Deal with it (was Re: uppercase vs. lower case)

[Walter Ian Kaye, about my .sig]
> uh-oh, that's not valid xhtml. you'll have to change it to:

Actually, I'd have to change it differently than that.  The SGML
keywords must be all upper-case, and the HyTime formal system
identifiers wouldn't be legal in the entity declaration.  Plus I don't
think I'm allowed to declare my own notations with XHTML; it would
depend on whether I used their DTDs or incorporated them into my own.

<!ENTITY crism PUBLIC "-//O'Reilly//NONSGML Christopher R. Maden//EN"
"<URL> <TEL>+1.617.499.7487
<USMAIL>90 Sherman Street, Cambridge, MA 02140 USA" NDATA SGML.Geek>

Received on Friday, 5 March 1999 15:44:02 UTC