Re: XHTML Case Poll is online

Do you want a poll?  Fine, here's a poll.  Just look at the participation 
level in this thread.  Of hundreds of people subscribed to this list 
worldwide, only three persons voiced their preferences for the choice of 
letter casing (I might have missed a person or two though):

 Robert Bryan		(strongly upper case)
 Walter Ian Kaye 	(strongly upper case)
 Susan Lesch		(strongly lower case)

The other 20 or so people simply showed a mild interest in the topic.  In 
fact, there is only one person, namely Walter Ian Kaye, who keeps the 
thread alive.  Considering these figures, I say that the problem of upper 
case vs lower case is non-existent...end of discussion...move on to more 
important issues.


Dmitry Beransky

University of California, San Diego
Multimedia Interactive Learning Lab (

Received on Monday, 1 March 1999 13:53:24 UTC