I feel uncomfortable trying to think of <big> and <small> as structural
elements at all. To me, they seem to be a blemish on HTML as a structural
language, since they really contain only presentational information.

For acronyms which are not trade names, you could use the <acronym>
element with a class="nontrade" attribute, and then use a style sheet to
set acronym.nontrade { font-variant: small-caps }. This solution seems
more in step with the division of structure and presentation.

For something like a fine-print disclaimer or copyright notice  at the
bottom of a page, one could use <span class="disclaimer"> and set
.disclaimer { font-size: smaller }.

I think that if <big> and <small> had originated as proprietary
extensions, rather than in a specification, they would have been
deprecated in HTML 4.0.

Benjamin Schak

Received on Tuesday, 27 July 1999 03:51:33 UTC