The <q> element


I already sent an email about this, but I still have a problem. The spec
defines a conformant browser must add quotes around a <q> element.

Then, we have on the one hand NN4 which doesn't recognize the <q> tag, 
on the other hand, IE which doesn't add the quotes.

Moreover, Lynx does add quotes.

Why does IE have this behavior ? (at least in IE5 for Windows3.1) Will NN5
correctly format a <q> element (I suppose yes since it will recognize CSS
generated content) ?

Hope a Microsoft "member" (don't know the exact word) could explain this
to me.


Nicolas Lesbats -
85 r. Carnot 60200 Compiegne - France
 06 86 800 908

Plaider <>


Received on Monday, 19 July 1999 10:30:50 UTC