Re: Adding simple graphics in HTML (Part II)

Considering that the W3C is actually trimming down HTML in an attempt to get
rid of all tags that don't have to do with the structure of a document, (I have
read countless articles talking about how HTML is only for *STRUCTURE* not for
formatting) and having just finished a draft on the SVG language, I doubt
they'll be too keen on adding a new set of tags... 

However, for graphs and other math related drawings, perhaps MathML (an
implementation of XML) supports it... (I don't know, I haven't looked at the
MathML spec yet..) or you could bring it up in a MathML discussion forum and
see if there are any plans for that...

Alex Montgomery

your original post was rather long, so I trimmed it down to the part I'm
dealing with..

At 11:53 PM 2/16/99 -0500, you wrote: 

            I'm not proposing any line or graphics drawing characters. In my
opinion, characters are really too limited to be of any decent use in graphics.
Rather, I'm proposing this: Design a set of HTML tags that will draw graphics.

Received on Wednesday, 17 February 1999 08:59:45 UTC