Re: q: javascript charset - latin 2 named entities

On Wed, 23 Sep 1998, Albena Georgieva wrote:

> I have a html document with javascript written in ISO Latin 2 charset.
> As I can see in this document there are named entities(which I have to
> use in javascript) only for a few character that I need. What should I
> do for the rest, like:
> c with caron
> z with caron

Please notice that the www-html list is NOT (repeat NOT) a channel
for getting help in HTML authoring. This list is a discussion forum
for the future development of HTML, not for present-day problems
in authoring. (Sadly, currently HTML seems to have stagnated.)

You will find help in HTML authoring in different FAQ lists
or in newsgroups devoted to HTML authoring problems, see e.g.

(You'll need to specify your problem in more detail, typically
including a URL, to get useful answers. Basically, you'll run into
serious problems if you try to use entities for those characters.
Much better to generate the actual ISO Latin 2 codes, i.e. the
characters as raw data octets. If you can't do that, it's basically
a JavaScript problem I suppose, so consult JavaScript resources.)

Yucca, or

Received on Wednesday, 23 September 1998 04:18:50 UTC