Re: &nbhy;

I think what you may want to use is something like this:
<NOBR>Species - Whatever</NOBR>
The <NOBR> tag will make sure that the entire text is kept together on
the same line. However, this can and will cause horizontal scrolling if
used often.

Kevin Swarts

Marco Bleeker wrote:
> A proposal for a new entity in the html charcter set:
> no-break-hyphen --> &nbhy;
> Since modern browsers use a hyphen for a possible line break
> (something I had proposed myself a few years ago), I have now felt the
> need for a no-break-hyphen. In my biology pages, I make lists of
> species names. Sometimes these lists are in a narrow frame or table
> column. And often I prefer that the users scrolls or resizes the
> window, rather than that the species name breaks up. To prevent this
> when there is a space in the name, I can use &nbsp;. But I can't
> prevent it when there is a hyphen.... An alternate option woud be to
> invent a general {keep together} tag.
> Thanks, Marco
> --
> Marco Bleeker, Amsterdam, NL ------------
> Botanical Diversity ---
> Rainforest Medical -----------

Received on Monday, 21 September 1998 17:50:15 UTC