SGML-Error while parsing the HTML4 Declaration

When parsing the HTML4-Declaration with SP 1.3 a strange error occurs:

HTML.decl:25:35:W: characters in the document character set with numbers 
exceeding 65535 not supported

This error points obviously to the last line of the DESCET section of the 

            DESCSET 0       9       UNUSED
                    9       2       9
                    11      2       UNUSED
                    13      1       13
                    14      18      UNUSED
                    32      95      32
                    127     1       UNUSED
                    128     32      UNUSED
                    160     55136   160
                    55296   2048    UNUSED  -- SURROGATES --
                    57344   1056768 57344                        <<----

Does anybody know what the meaning of this line is and how to avoid this 
error? Is there something wrong with the HTML Declaration or did I make 
something wrong?

Regards, Stefan Borggraefe! 
| Stefan Borggraefe, Dortmund, Germany                          _  |
| Home :                   _ //  |
| Work :           \X/   | 
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Received on Tuesday, 15 September 1998 11:27:28 UTC