Re: HTML Question

At 09:29 12.03.98 -0500, you wrote:
>I tried to open your FAQ but it came back with "Server not available"


>Need an explanation and the meanings of the coding options of the 
>"~" commonly called a "tilde" in the path of the second set of URLs
>listed above.
Having a ~ placed in the uri/url of your webpage doesnt have anything to say
for how the code should be, neither can you do anything inside your code to
either exlude or include a tilde.

For the code, the coder or the browser it is simply a part of the adress for
a document, just as the anything else.

>I have heard the "~" is more "dynamic" than a regular path and that is
>about it.  Could you explain it and tell me the pros and cons of the
>subject ?  Can it be coded by the HTML author or is this something that
>has to be done at the WEB Server administrator level ?  What HTML level
>incorporated this feature ?  What resources explain more about it ?

As said, tilde hasnt got anything to do with html, its just a part of the
adress. As far as i know tilde is a quite common thing for unix webservers,
atleast my one has, and significe its an adress pointing to the webdirectory
of a an useraccount. The diffrence betweeen ex and is that
the first is merely a subdirectory under called
martinr and the other is a pointer to the user martinr 's webdirectory.

If your new to html, starting at ex NCSAs beginners guide at isnt such a
bad idea.

Martin ---------------------------  |

Received on Thursday, 12 March 1998 13:30:36 UTC