Re: Tooltips vs. ALT in IMG (was Re: Questionable implementation of

Rob felt an urge to reveal at 6:19 AM -0000 on 1/24/98:

> How to assign CLASSes and IDs to an attribute rather than an element in
> CSS I don't know. Has that been thought about yet?

As far as I know, you *can't*. I can't remember exactly what it was, but I
remember someone wanting to be able to use stylesheets to affect the
appearance of attribute-based information...Oh, I remember be able
to affect the appearance of text based on the LANG attributes...

[           Jordan Reiter                             ]
[                ]
[  "It's well known that dead people are all sick     ]
[   because they're too depressing."                  ]
[   -- from ]

Received on Saturday, 24 January 1998 15:14:32 UTC