Re: Question re Deprecation

At 08:11 PM 26/02/98 -0500, Russell Steven Shawn O'Connor wrote:
>I agree that deprecating U without deprecating B and I is uncalled for.
>I've seen U legitamately used for underlining book titles in a Works
>Cited section.

Wouldn't the CITE element be more appropriate?

>I can only assume the reasoning was because *some*
>UA's underline their hyperlinks.  I don't believe how present UA's render
>some element should affect which elements are deprecated and which are

I don't know the reasoning either, but my impression was that B, I, and TT
survived due to their presence in HTML 2.0.  (Note that S and STRIKE were
both deprecated.)  Then again, BIG and SMALL were not deprecated...

Liam Quinn
Web Design Group            Enhanced Designs, Web Site Development

Received on Thursday, 26 February 1998 23:56:12 UTC