target=_parent with N4

I searched (and found) this list because I detected a html 
problem/difference with netscape
 4. I manage a website that uses some frame definitions. It worked fine 
with N 3X and 2.X
 (also with MSIE) but one aspect does not work so well with N4. 

In short: I use several collumns with different information, a 
navigationbar, a data-frame
 and an index frame (two frame deffinitions, one nested in the other). 
Sometimes I use
 target="_parent" to give the dataframe more room (for bigger images). 
Somehow N4
 interprets that as target="_top".

I believe I have to tell what frame is the parent frame, but how do I do 
that (or where can I
 find the awnser)?



Een digitale uitgave van het Groninger
cultuurmagazine Cultimo

Hoofdredacteur en webmaster:

Jeroen Goulooze 

TEL: 050 - 3130 900 
FAX: 050 - 3188 488

Received on Monday, 16 February 1998 04:42:58 UTC