Re: HTML 4.0 in Netscape and Explorer

I miss any reference to the internationalization elements in HTML 4: The
handling of various character sets, DIR and LANG.


At 15:02 25/04/98 +0100, Stephanos Piperoglou wrote:
>I would like to draw your attention to an article of mine that has just
>been published on, titled "HTML 4.0 in Netscape and
>Explorer". It's essentially an annotation to the 4.0 spec that documents,
>at least basically, the differences between the spec and the
>implementations in NS and IE. I regard the technical knowledge of everyone
>on this list very highly and have gained a lot from monitoring the traffic
>here, so I would really appreciate your feedback.
>A lot of the opinions I've picked up on this list are mirrored in the
>piece and I try to tell people, especially beginners, how to write proper
>HTML and how to avoid making proprietary pages. Any comments you may have
>are welcome
>-Stephanos Piperoglou

Received on Saturday, 25 April 1998 12:14:16 UTC