Re: include in html

On Thu, 16 Apr 1998, Pascal Sitbon wrote:
> I don't understand why there's no instruction to include a file
> in html in another. For example, I have a menu.html file which
> describes the main menu, and for all *.html in the site, I would
> include the menu simply by putting something like :
>  <INCLUDE HREF="menu.html">  
> (like the \insert{} command in LaTeX or the #include in C langage)
> I think that this can be useful in many cases.
> (I know that it's possible to do frame pages but I don't want)

There is a way, but it requires that the server has SSI (Server Side
Includes) available.  A lot of commercial Web hosts turn off the
functionality in order to improve security. 

For example, to include menu.html, you could use:
	<!--#include file="menu.html"-->

There are a lot of others, such as #exec (to execute a command) and 
#config (to set up aspects of SSI).  Since this is done on the server 
side, the actual <!--*--> is replaced with the output before you ever see 

I use this on _every_ one of my pages.  To see the effect (to a limited 
extent) you can visit  Basically, it 
lists all the finger information for everyone who is logged on at the 
moment the page loads.  If you look at the source, you won't see the 
include, but I guarantee, for each line of HTML on the page, there is an 
SSI command.

Gregory Martin Pfeil     Programmer-Misogynist-BUFH-MIRC
ICQ#: 235067

Received on Thursday, 16 April 1998 04:42:29 UTC