Re: HTML4.0 draft: Sound objects

I agree that this is a reasonable approach.

It also suggests that a strict partition between visual cascading style
sheets and aural cascading style sheets is a bad idea.  (The HTML 4.0
draft has a reference to "text/acss"; I don't know if that means people
thought that we really should have a different MIME type, or not.
In any case, I thought until I saw this message that perhaps there
really was no overlap in the supported properties.)

It might be interesting to have a browser which displays pictures, and
reads the text.  That sort of thing would certainly be useful for
people who cannot read (small children, people who somehow have a computer
but are uneducated, etc).  That suggests you might want to have some sort
of slide show arrangement to show the pictures at the right time.

   Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 20:36:00 -0400
   From: Liam Quinn <>

   While we're talking about sensible solutions...  I don't think background 
   sounds have a place in HTML, whether included with BGSOUND or OBJECT, 
   since they're purely presentational.  Aural Cascading Style Sheets [1] 
   provide a simple method of specifying a background sound for a document:

   BODY { play-during: url(foo.mid) repeat }

   This allows users to specify

   BODY { play-during: none ! important }

   in their personal style sheet if they dislike background sounds.  And 
   users who want to hear some sounds but not others could selectively 
   override author style sheets.


Received on Thursday, 11 September 1997 21:46:42 UTC