RE: Header, Footer, and Sidebars

On Wed, 26 Nov 1997, Benjamin Franz wrote:

> On Wed, 26 Nov 1997, Benjamin Franz wrote:
> > On Wed, 26 Nov 1997, Todd Fahrner wrote:
> > 
> > > Benjamin Franz wrote, at 8:46 -0800 on 26.11.97:
> > > 
> > > I agree mostly about stylesheets, and generally about the need for
> > > improvement, but my tests suggest that you can use OBJECT markup today in a
> > > highly degradable (universally pre-degraded?) way for some cases at least.
> > > In the example above, everybody but IE4 sees just normal links to the
> > > referenced HTML objects, and in this instance
> > > <> you see either the Flash object or a
> > > GIF and some marked-up text telling you what you're missing.
> > 
> > Except in the low x NS4.0x browsers where the stuff between <OBJECT>
> > and </OBJECT> just disappears completely and you get...nothing. And in the
> > MSIE 3.X browsers you get assailed with 'Insecure ActiveX' alerts and then
> > it hangs.
> Whups. Scratch that on the low x NS4.0x. It was the MSIE 4.0b browsers
> with ActiveX turned off that made the content vanish (I went back and
> checked my old mail - I reported this to the www-html list back in May). I
> haven't tried it in the MSIE 4.0 final yet. 

Ok. Back to basics - the problems I listed applied to the MSIE4.0b
(only). I just tested the MSIE 4.0 final - it behaves as noted (box with
scroll bars) UNLESS you disable the running of ActiveX - in which case it
throws an ActiveX security dialog and then displays the alternative
content (annoying but not fatal). 

Benjamin Franz

Received on Wednesday, 26 November 1997 13:35:56 UTC