Re: HTML should not be a file format, but an output format

At 07:30 PM 3/24/97 -0500, Paul Prescod wrote:
>But the great majority of the information on the Web does not belong in
>HTML as a source format. It is this situation that we seek to correct
>when we speak of SGML "vs." HTML. It is a jargon shorthand such as that
>employed by any industry in trying to simplify communication. It only
>confuses a small minority. Those who are familiar with SGML know "the
>code". Those who are not familiar with SGML typically do not know that
>HTML is SGML and thus do not see anything stranger about talking about
>SGML "vs." HTML than about PDF "vs." HTML.

The "small minority" which you confuse encompasses all users of the
Web having no familiarity with SGML. I am familiar with SGML, and I
know "the code" as well. I am resistant to the idea of using code
when the idea is to evangelize SGML. You have already alienated the
audience you wish to embrace.


Steven Champeon                  !        I'll sleep
Web Guru/Intranet Builder        !       when I'm dead.             !         - Zevon

Received on Tuesday, 25 March 1997 11:57:51 UTC