Style question

Walter Ian Kaye writes:

 > On the Mac, font styles are as follows:
 >   0 = Plain (no style added)
 >   1 = Bold
 >   2 = Italic
 >   4 = Underline
 >   8 = Outline
 >  16 = Shadow
 >  32 = Condensed  /* decrease letterspacing */
 >  64 = Expanded   /* increase letterspacing */
 > As you can see by the binary numbering, these are additive.
 > How do I specify, in CSS1, that a font is both shadow and condensed?

You can't. CSS1 does not have a concept of condensed/expanded fonts,
nor text shadows. You can, however, increase/decrease the space
between letters -- the comment in your quote seems to indicate that's
what the effect amounts to.

As always, it's easy to add these features to the specification, but
it's much harder to deploy them on the web.

 > (I would've asked this on www-style, but I wonder if that list still exists
 > since my subscription abruptly stopped last summer...)

The list is doing just fine. I wonder what made our otherwise polite
robot kick you out.



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inria §°þ#¡ª FRANCE

Received on Monday, 27 January 1997 18:32:01 UTC