Re: HTML !!


Sugiarto Ming wrote:

> Hi, There's someone that can help me ?? i want to know what else the label
> from Microsoft like <MARQUEE> that only show on Internet Explorer ?? Thanks
> for your help !!

As far as I see, <bgsound> is the same thing - only *shown* with ME
I think, that's all, ah, one point to add:
<img src="" width="x%" height="y%"> is different interpreted:
ME: takes x/Y % from the original size of the picture
NS: takes X/Y % from the open Browser-window.

(Hope this was understandable, and I understood Your question right)
		     NEKO im Exil.....
Simone Demmel

Received on Saturday, 11 January 1997 08:29:04 UTC