Re: Comments on HTMl 4 draft (9/Nov/1997)

Neil St.Laurent felt an urge to reveal at 6:31 PM -0000 on 12/16/97:
> TT is used again to distinguish text, and is used very often to
> indicate something on the screen.  This one is likely the highest in
> priortiy for things to be removed.

Especially since, unlike BIG and SMALL, which have no equivalents in HTML,
TT has quite a number of logical elements which provide equivalent
rendering, namely: CODE, SAMP, KBD, and PRE, all of which tend to render a
monospaced font. While it is crucial to reinforce the idea of HTML as a
non-visual medium, it is also important to recognize that it is still being
used as such. I have found the BIG and SMALL tags immensely useful. I often
use SMALL when adding "footnotes" to documents, ie:
	This is of course made clear in the argument by Miller. <SMALL><A


There has also been a big discussion concerning common usage of tags such
as italic and bold in standard display of various formatting techniques,
such as the tradition of italicizing taxonomical (sp?) names.

[           Jordan Reiter                             ]
[                ]
[  "It's well known that dead people are all sick     ]
[   because they're too depressing."                  ]
[   -- from ]

Received on Tuesday, 16 December 1997 15:46:40 UTC