"Hypertext links in HTML" Internet Draft is gone

The "Hypertext links in HTML" Internet draft has expired and hence removed
from the IETF's archives (making the link on the W3C's server [1] obsolete).
Is this document going anywhere? Is it going to be replaced? Is it turning
into an RFC? i'd very much like to have it handy so I can implement it.

[1] HTML Specs, Drafts and Reports

 If my opinions were my employers', they'd be pretty wierd opinions.
         Stephanos Piperoglou <*> http://users.hol.gr/~spip/ 
"I want peace on earth and good will toward man"
"We're the United States Government, we don't do that sort of thing!"
                              - Whistler and Abbot from `Sneakers'

                                            ...oof porothika! (tm)

Received on Sunday, 22 September 1996 16:15:36 UTC