Re: Inline text/html


In article <>,
Stuart Young <> wrote:
> On Sat, 7 Sep 1996, Arnoud Galactus Engelfriet wrote:
> >   1. How do you restrict the contents of inlined HTML to something
> >   that does not invalidate the document it is inlined into?
> Well, you could either allow only 'specific' tags in an inlined HMTL 
> file, which gets messy to regulate, or, treat it as a whole new document, 
> nested as it were in the the current document. 

A bit hard to formalize, IMO. Since HTML 3.2 allows you to set document
colors, how can you prevent people from setting those in an "inline"

> >   2. How do you prevent things like opening tags in the main file
> >   and the closing tags in the included file?
> Using the nested file scenario, this could never happen.

Agreed, but then you're doing something different. This would be
like frames, with a separate document displayed inline like an image. 

What I am talking to is inlining a la server-side includes. Then you insert
pieces of text & HTML markup *in* the actual document you're sending.
This would be very useful (no need to put a load on the server doing
the processing, only having to cache that standard header & footer
once...) but causes the problems I mention.

> Note: there will have to be some way of differentiating between HTML and 
> TEXT at the tag level though, as display of inline text with < and >'s in 
> it could become a REAL problem for a browser that isn't aware that it's  
> different.

Having inline text a la GIFs would make this easy.. just draw a box
of the appropriate size and render the text in that. The content-type
should identify it as plain text, so the < and > should not get


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Received on Sunday, 8 September 1996 13:31:57 UTC