HTML 3.2 PR: Miscellaneous notes

Regarding <>:

There are conflicting attribute list declarations for the
LI element.  Under section "Unordered lists" it is given as:

|         type   (%LIStyle)    #IMPLIED   -- list item style --
|         >

under section "Ordered (i.e. numbered) Lists" it is:

|         type      CDATA      #IMPLIED   -- list item style --
|         value     NUMBER     #IMPLIED   -- set sequence number --
|         >

and in the DTD it is specified as:

|         type    %LIStyle     #IMPLIED   -- list item style --
|         value    NUMBER      #IMPLIED   -- reset sequence number --
|         >

(this expands to 'type CDATA #IMPLIED' as under "Ordered (i.e. numbered)

* * *

In section "Tables" it is unclear how a table cell with ROWSPAN > 1
should affect successive rows.  For example,

<table border=1>
    <caption>Form 1</caption>
	<td rowspan=2>R1-2, C1
	<td>R1 C2
	<td><!-- is an empty TD required here? -->
	<td>R2 C2

In the absence of any language to the contrary, I would have
guessed that the sum of the COLSPANs of the children of a
TR must be the same for all TRs in a TABLE, as above.
However, RFC 1942 says that:

| Cells spanning rows contribute to the column count on each of
| the spanned rows, but only appear in the markup once (in the
| first row spanned).  [p. 21]

which implies that the following is correct:

<table border=1>
    <caption>Form 2</caption>
	<td rowspan=2>R1-2, C1
	<td>R1 C2
	<td>R2 C2

(Netscape 3.0 for X uses the RFC 1942 interpretation.)

Anyway, this should be clarified in the 3.2 spec.

* * *

Section "BASEFONT" says only:

| Used to set the base font size. BASEFONT is an empty element so
| the end tag is forbidden. The SIZE attribute is an integer value
| ranging from 1 to 7. The base font size applies to the normal
| and preformatted text but not to headings, except where these
| are modified using the FONT element with a relative font size.

The scope of its effect should be clarified.  Does it apply to
the entire document, to all text up to the next BASEFONT element
or end of the document, or to the end of the enclosing element?
For example:

    <p>What should the base font size be here?
	<BASEFONT size=7>
    <p>What should the base font size be here?

--Joe English

Received on Thursday, 14 November 1996 16:09:06 UTC