Re: Browser maximum WIDTH & HEIGHT!

> >Only if I can turn it off! I choose the size of my windows. I very, very,
> I agree that the user should have the possibility to turn of window sizing.
> but I might have an other solution. How about adding an attribute to the
> body tag something like:
> This would not resize the window but would just render the page as if it
> was a 472 wide, leaving the right hand of the page blank. Now if the user
> has a smaller window than 472 the browser will render it as usual.

Same comment. The reason I choose the size of my windows carefully is
so that it matches the font to produce a comfortable length line to
read. Screwing with that makes documents harder to read. I notice
people abusing BLOCKQUOTE to get indents on body text (especially on
the browsers I prefer for longer texts, as they render BLOCKQUOTE as
italic); this wouldn't be any different.

Yes, CSS will let authors change margins. It will also let me override
the authors choices.

> Yes off course, but not for everything in every situation.
> Sometimes you want more control over layout to add meaning to the message.

Standard answer number 3261: If that's the case, use a medium suitable
to your message.  Wanting to control the margins in HTML is akin to
wanting to control the bliink rate of printed text.


Received on Thursday, 21 March 1996 11:47:20 UTC