Re: <insert> and external entity references

At 04:58 PM 3/20/96 +0100, Abigail wrote:
>I am not concerned about the technical implementations but how can I
>as a user indicate I prefer my headings to be centered, if I do not
>know which element is going to be used as headers? And that is
>possible if each document has its own DTD. Perhaps it is possible,
>I just cannot see how.

Here are a few ideas:

You could require HTML-like element names (although it restricts you to
HTML-like DTDs. I don't consider this a long-term solution).

You could put some level of indirection into the style sheet language so
that "<TITLE> in <REPORT>" maps to a 
standardized style name like "TOP_LEVEL_HEADING_STYLE", and so does <H1>.

You could have a "mapping style sheet" (or LPD, or Attribute) express an
equivalence between arbitrary elements (like <TITLE>) and HTML elements
(like <H1>).

You could ship code that does an actual transform from the other DTD into
HTML at either the server or client sides.

 Paul Prescod

Received on Wednesday, 20 March 1996 11:56:56 UTC