RE: new anchor type?

At 4:30p +0000 06/27/96, Melt van Schoor wrote:
>At 08:58 AM 96/06/27 +-800, Paul wrote:
>>This could also be useful for doing footnotes/endnotes.  However, just
>>plain text isn't quite powerful enough in that case.
>>Wouldn't a link be sufficient?  Then you can show a picture of a "quig",
>>show pronunciation of the word, etc.  If a keyword to tell the browser
>>that the link is an explanation were added, then the browser could
>>deal with opening up a little HTML window above the word clicked.
>No. We need to save bandwidth (in the case of one large file) or toil
>(zillions of small files).
>>With both of these methods, a glossary of terms could easily be created
>>when the HTML is printed.  However, the one with links could be richer.
>Typically, A simple word phrase would suffice.

Well, Netscape has a JavaScript mechanism you could use. Here's a sample:

<A HREF="" onMouseOver="self.status='A design methodology in which integrated circuits are built from a library of pre-designed building blocks. (Click for full definition)';return true">

    Walter Ian Kaye <>     Programmer - Excel, AppleScript,
          Mountain View, CA                         ProTERM, FoxPro, HTML     Musician - Guitarist, Songwriter

Received on Thursday, 27 June 1996 14:00:07 UTC