Re: Valid Editors; Frames DTD

>Does W3C or anyone else have a list of recommended HTML editors that 
>produce valid HTML including the document type declaration?

Emacs with PSGML.

>Also, has anyone hacked together a DTD that supports frames. Or 
>better, do any of the Web-based front-ends to a validating parser know 
>about such a DTD?

Here are some relevant fragments:

<!ENTITY % html.content "HEAD, (BODY | FRAMESET)">

<!ELEMENT FRAMESET - -  (noframes?, (frame|frameset)+)
        -- main container for frames -->

<!ATTLIST FRAMESET  -- (rows | cols) --
    ROWS        %widthlist;     #IMPLIED        -- vertical layout --
    COLS        %widthlist;     #IMPLIED        -- horizontal layout --

    -- Constraints: 
        Either ROWS or COLS must be present, but not both.
        FRAMESET must have the same number of FRAME and FRAMESET children
        as there are members of the ROWS or COLS list.

<!ELEMENT FRAME - O     EMPTY   -- a single frame -->
    SRC          %URL;           #IMPLIED  -- location of frame content --
    NAME         NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED  -- frame target name --
    MARGINWIDTH  NUMBER          #IMPLIED  -- left and right margin --
    MARGINHEIGHT NUMBER          #IMPLIED  -- upper and lower margin --
    NORESIZE     (noresize)      #IMPLIED  -- is this frame resizable? --
    SCROLLING    (yes | no | auto) auto    -- is this frame scrollable? -- 
    -- recommended:
                 (scroll | noscroll | autoscroll) autoscroll

<!ELEMENT NOFRAMES - - %body.content;   -- alternate representation -->

Best regards
Rainer Klute

  Dipl.-Inform. Rainer Klute        NADS - Advertising on nets
  Emil-Figge-Str. 80                Tel.: +49 231 9751230
D-44227 Dortmund                    Fax:  +49 231 9751238


Received on Wednesday, 26 June 1996 08:30:43 UTC