(unknown charset) Re: Cougar DTD: Do not use CDATA declared content for SCRIPT

Ka-Ping Yee wrote:
> To delimit "non-HTML", a marked section is probably best.

What is a "marked section?" Don't opening and closing tags mark a
> Trying mark up what is "non-HTML" using an HTML markup tag is an
> obviously silly thing to try to do, and that's the nightmare.

Please accept my apology for applying the term "Non-HTML" to content.
"Silly" is too kind.

But I still don't see the nightmare. What is markup for except to tell
the typesetter (browser, in this case) what to do with the content?
What, then, is unacceptable in a tag that says "This text is in
Sanskrit. Give it to a Sanskrit interpreter for translation before
setting it."? Certainly this content should be marked by HTML tags. If
you've chosen HTML as your markup language, NOT using HTML to indicate
the Sanskrit would be silly. Confusing, too.

David Perrell

Received on Friday, 26 July 1996 14:41:01 UTC