- From: Jim Taylor <JHTaylor@videodiscovery.com>
- Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 18:19:14 -0800
- To: connolly@beach.w3.org
- Cc: www-html@w3.org
I urge anyone writing a browser or any sort of HTML parser to read Dan Connolly's excellent "A Lexical Analyzer for HTML and Basic SGML" (a work in progress at http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/TR/WD-sgml-lex). (If you haven't read it since June 1996, go read it again -- it has improved substantially from earlier versions.) As recommended in the document, I'm addressing my comments to this group with "sgml-lex" in the subject. It's unclear to me exactly why the tag <abc_def> is an error but <abc def> (a tag with a value) is not. I'm sure this is from my limited knowledge of SGML, but since I'm probably a fair representative of the intended audience of this document perhaps this should be clarified. The question is, what separates tag names from attribute specifications? Does SGML explicitly state that attribute specifications must be delimited by whitespace, or can any unexpected character act as delimiter? And what exactly is whitespace? SPACE, RE, RS, and SEPCHAR only? Does that mean <abc def> is ok? If not, this could be dangerous if an editor or other process hard wraps HTML at spaces. The flex input file seems to indicate that spaces but not other whitespace can come after the attribute name and the =. Is this part of SGML syntax? Dan, it might be helpful to add a short discussion of whitespace in the context of SGML and HTML, including where its appropriate/necessary and where it's not. ______________________________________________ Jim "The Frog" Taylor, Director of Information Technology <mailto:jhtaylor@videodiscovery.com> Videodiscovery, Inc. - Multimedia Education for Science and Math Seattle, WA, 206-285-5400 <http://www.videodiscovery.com/vdyweb>
Received on Wednesday, 10 July 1996 21:19:32 UTC