Auto fill for form fields

This seems to be an obvious thing to suggest, but a search of the
archive for this list didn't turn anything up. So either it's a new suggestion
or I missed it (if the latter, please ignore me).

I'm getting really tired of typing my name and e-mail address in form after
form after form on the Web. It seems to me that a simple extension to
HTML could save thousands of people from early carpal tunnel syndrome
by automatically supplying commonly requested information. At first I
though this belonged in HTTP, but the potential for abuse there is too high
(an HTTP server might be able grab the info without your permission). So
I think it makes more sense to add a "fill-in" attribute to HTML text fields
<input type=text> that requests the browser to fill in a certain piece of
data. This way the form can come up with user information already filled
in. Privacy should not be a problem, since the user always has the option
of not submitting the form or erasing the field contents. 

Most UA's already know your name and e-mail address. The spec could
include phone number, address, etc. The user can decide what
information they want to provide (in the preferences section of the UA).


Jim Taylor, Director of Information Technology
Videodiscovery, Inc. - Multimedia Education for Science and Math
Seattle, WA, 206-285-5400 <>

Received on Tuesday, 13 February 1996 21:21:11 UTC