Re: Conformance ratings (was: Extra! Microsoft beats Netscape in the race for...

On Mon, 12 Feb 1996 wrote:

> 4) Extended HTML2  -  tables and extensions common to several browsers. A
> general rule could be that the extension must exist in at least four
> browsers.

I think you're stacking the deck a bit here, seeing as Netscape and 
Internet Assistant are the two browsers which support extensive extensions.
> 5) Vendor specific - pages that will only work on specific browsers (frames,
> Java, VBScript, etc..)
> Vendors will need to provide a DTD to validate against. A page that is
> lexicalyl correct yet fails 2-5 would be vendor specific where the vendor is
> unknown.

How do you distinguish between vendor specific features and extenvions 
included in 4 above? Is it the provision (or not) of a DTD?
> Sites that generate multiple pages based on the User-Agent field could get
> more than one rating.
> Jon Smir,

Gregory Woodhouse
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Received on Monday, 12 February 1996 21:48:18 UTC