Re: Server side includes

At 07:44 pm 2/7/96 +0100, Philippe-Andre Prindeville spake:
>I've noticed that books don't seem to be very
>consistent about the syntax of server-side includes.

   Most servers follow the NCSA convention for SSI. 

><!--#config timefmt="%d %b %Y"-->
><!--#config timefmt="%d %b %Y">

   These are both incorrect. The correct form is: 

   <!--#config timefmt="%d %b %Y" -->
      ^^                         ^^
       \- no space here           \- required space here

   The authoritative reference is:

   (my book is good to!) <- shameless plug!

   This is the general format from NCSA's page: 

   <!--#command tag1="value1" tag2="value2" -->

   <insert obligatory disclaimer about security and 
    performance issues related to SSI> 

| BearHeart / Bill Weinman | | 
| Author of The CGI Book -- 

Received on Wednesday, 7 February 1996 14:47:40 UTC