Re: My bi-monthly bomb throwing: WebTV-HTML

Benjamin Franz wrote:
> WebTV has now made their own 'contributions' to the world of HTML
> and attributes...

Also of interest in the WebTV docs:

"Any closing tag simply pops the last opening tag off the stack of
formatting commands, regardless of whether the closing tag matches the
opening tag."

How does it deal with unsupported tags, which may or may not have a
closing tag?

On the plus side, WebTV preloads a page specified with LINK REL=next,
for quick page changes on multi-page content (what's wrong with this?).
Also, everything takes a transparency value -- a much-desired property.

Does anyone know what userAgent info WebTV returns? Is WebTV involved
in the standards-setting process? Why no CSS1 support?

David Perrell

Received on Tuesday, 17 December 1996 21:27:40 UTC