(no subject)

To: All
From: Paul Pollack
Re: Pie graphs in HTML

       I'm sure I'm not the first one to wonder about a pie graph
standard in the next HTML revision. The basic format could look
something like this (assuming we give it its own tag, instead of making
something like <GRAPH TYPE=PIE ...> )

<PIE ALIGN={insert normal ALIGN values here} TILT={insert angle of
rotation here} HEADING="{insert graph title here}">
<GI TEXT="{insert material here}" VALUE={insert number value here}>
<GI TEXT="{insert material here}" VALUE={insert number value here}>

       Where the browser would render a pie graph with the header above,
the first data entry (the data specified in the first GI tag) being
represented by a sector of the circle (like all the other entries)
divided equally at 0 degress, and whose central angle would naturally be
equal to (data1/total data)*360. Write me for a uuencoded GIF file
illustrating this concept, as it's hard to convey via e-mail.
       All feedback on this idea will be greatly appreciated.

                                                       -- Paul Pollack

Received on Sunday, 8 October 1995 12:37:06 UTC