HTML-SPEC_5.HTML Appears Incomplete

I have been looking through the HTMLs on WWW.W3.ORG and have seen a 
problem with HTML-SPEC_5.HTML, the relevant portion of the HTML is below:

<H3><A NAME="SEC59" HREF="spec_toc.htm#SEC59" REL=TOC>Anchor:  A</A></H3>

The <EM>A</EM> <A HREF="spec_2.htm#GLOSS13" REL=GLOSSARY>element</A> 
indicates a <A HREF="spec_2.htm#GLOSS19" REL=GLOSSARY>hyperlink</A> <A 
HREF="spec_2.htm#GLOSS2" REL=GLOSSARY>ancho

And that is where it ends. Could you please direct me to the full copy of 
this HTML as one of my users urgently requires it?

Thank you.


Ian Samson
HSRC NetWare Network
Human Sciences Research Council
Pretoria, South Africa

Received on Wednesday, 21 June 1995 05:52:17 UTC