Re: Proposed Text Flow Attributes for HTML 3.0

After reading serveral responces it is clear that everone is hot to trot
on style sheets.  I am currently not for are against style sheets but if 
you REALLY want to keep all formating to style sheets why did you add the
following tags:

WRAP in <UL>
  This tag is CLEARLY a formatting only tag.  Other than for the space a 
  document takes (a style issue) is serves NO structural importance in
  my view point.  And if you added it in <UL> why not add it to <LI>
  there is no reason a numbered list can't wrap.
PLAN in <UL>
  May have a little structural importance but I can't see how it is any 
  more important than controlling the flow of text.
COMPACT in <UL> and <OL>
  Once again it may have a little structural importance but I can't see 
  it.  To me it seams to be s style only tag.
  I know why this attrib is here.  To avoid the special purpose <CENTER> tag
  but if you REALLY wan't to move all style to style sheets this attrib 
  should go too.

Just something to think about.  I thing my text flow attribs fall under
the same level of significance as some of the above tags.

Received on Monday, 21 August 1995 12:18:53 UTC