Re: Tables and non-table-able browsers

>>>Michael Johnson said:
> I've encountered a couple of pages now (I'm sure there are others) that look
> at the User-Agent header and only send tables to Netscape. This is annoying,
> to say the least, since I have a browser that does tables just fine.
> Michael Johnson
> Relay Technology, Inc.
I have the same problem with my browser.  What I resorted to doing is
sending different User-Agent headers depending upon the circumstances.
If I want tables, Some sites *require* that I say I'm Netscape.  On 
the other hand, over a slow link, I can say I'm Lynx and get pages
with fewer images.

I would encourage folks NOT to use the User-Agent header as a feature
selection mechanism, but use the Accept headers instead.

Stephen Uhler

Received on Thursday, 10 August 1995 12:06:10 UTC