PUT/DELETE methods

This may not be the place but if anybody has got some elements...
I'd really like to have pointers to information about the PUT/DELETE http 
	What are they exactly for ?
	How can one implement them (scripts httpd configuration..) ?
Thanks a lot for any response.


    _/_/_/_/ _/      _/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/       Centre National
   _/       _/_/    _/ _/       _/               d'Etudes Spatiales
  _/       _/  _/  _/ _/_/     _/_/_/_/_/
 _/       _/    _/_/ _/               _/   - Agence spatiale Francaise -
_/_/_/_/ _/      _/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/     -  French Space Agency   -

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Received on Friday, 7 April 1995 11:56:17 UTC