Re: nested HREFs - why a no-no?

>Let's say I have a note (a footnote, for example) that refers to
>something in the bibliography:
>  <A HREF="Note">Blah, blah, blah.  See John Doe (<A HREF="#JohnDoe86">
>  1986</A>: 5-17).</A>
>Is this both outside the range of HTML *and* is it going to make brows-
>ers choke?  Just out of curiosity I checked it out with Mosaic, and it
>mostly works....

I would think that at the least it would be visually confusing.  Most of the
browsers are pretty generous, but the user might not notice the nested link.

________Paul Cohen________________pmcohen@netaxs.com________________________
        Philadelphia, PA

Received on Wednesday, 23 November 1994 06:08:32 UTC